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Neurolens® at Vision Associates of Prospect

Today’s eyes work hard. In work and leisure, busy people are using their near vision more than ever, especially with digital devices. When focusing up close, the disparity between comfortable vision and required vision can cause painful symptoms.

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Home » Eyeglasses » Neurolens(R) at Vision Associates of Prospect

Ahhh for your eyes.™

Neurolenses can be customized for every patient – any or no prescription and any type of frame. This special eyeglass lens reduces the symptoms of hardworking eyes.

Here’s how they work: when we focus up close, the disparity between comfortable vision and required vision can cause headaches, eye strain, neck and shoulder pain, dry eye, dizziness, and light sensitivity. Neurolenses correct the disparity to restore naturally comfortable vision.

Eye Misalignment

"Research shows that over 90% of patients have significant misalignment, causing headaches, neck pain/stiffness, discomfort with computer use, tired eyes, dry eyes, dizziness/lightheadedness and light sensitivity."

Neurolens Measurement and your Eye Exam

The Neurolens measurement is a new addition to your traditional eye examination at Vision Associates of Prospect.

To determine if a patient is a candidate for Neurolens, your eye doctor will use a breakthrough eye-tracking measurement device to accurately and objectively measure your degree of eye misalignment.

During the exam, patients focus on a single point while a dynamic display of rotating planets and stars activate peripheral and central vision to measure distance and near eye alignment.

The Neurolens measurement is performed in under 3 minutes.

What the Neurolens Measurement Device Does

  • Measures the gap between where your eyes want to be and where they need to be.
  • Isolates peripheral and central vision to provide a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s eye alignment and synchronization.
  • Results guide your doctor in determining the contoured prism prescription for your Neurolenses, which can be added to your regular prescription.

Learn From Real Neurolens Patients

"The Neurolenses helped solve all the problems that I didn’t realize were connected to my eyesight."

– Karen, Neurolens patient